“I recommend to anyone who has the opportunity, to do the training. It has lifted my skills. The training has bought out the best in me by making me more proactive and assertive. I get more done in the day at work and at home.”
“This training bridges the gap for tertiary students transitioning to the work environment. It helps to prepare us for the professional environment.”
“The training is one of the best short courses I have ever attended. To this day I am still assessing my own conversations to see if I am communicating effectively or not. I also realize how important effective communication is in creating a peaceful environment.”
“This training has taken me a long way in a short time. I am already implementing what I have taken from this course. I have had a lot of positive feedback and this is sustaining me. I am encouraged to go the extra mile.”
“The course was very useful for me as a graduate coming from university and joining the workforce. It’s vital for a service – orientated organisation.”
“The course has helped me a lot in my daily focus and work attitude. My entire attitude towards work has shifted to a more professional one.”
“After completing the course I have noticed that my colleagues are more open. The course has helped me prioritise my time, set and achieve my goals and provided me with motivation.”
“From the Aiming for Excellence course, I have had a paradigm shift in terms of personal communication; elements of competency, lateral thinking and sustaining excellence.”
“Excellence is a journey and sustainability is vital to achieving the smaller checkpoints as I aim for my bigger goals.”