This course aims to encourage reflection and discussion to maximise performance, through a combination of executive coaching strategies and themes based on workplace practices. It encourages a solutions based approach to problem solving.
Transformation focuses on continous renewal and the development of new products, processes and services. Values at this level include accountability, employment participation, learning, innovation, teamwork, diversity, personal development, curiosity and knowledge sharing.
It aims “ at developing self-awareness and ‘self’ motivation and responsibility”.
~ John Whitmore-Coaching for Performance
FACILITATOR: Karen Mitchell
GROUP SIZE: 4 participants (or as negotiated)
COURSE DURATION: One two hour session per fortnight x 10 plus 2 review sessions as a follow-up during the following six months
TARGET GROUP: Administrative assistants, aspiring managers and employees who work in coordinating roles, who want to develop their skills and performance and make a difference in the workplace